Shipping Date

Current version : 45.6 See changelog
Prestashop versions : 1.6 1.7 8.x
Thirty Bees versions : 1.3 1.4
Premium Support : 6 months
Installation + Configuration

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Boost your sales !

Increase your sales and reduce friction during the checkout
by displaying a countdown of the next shipment.

Creating urgency

Creating urgency is a powerful persuasion technique to convert your visitors into buyers faster.

Countdowns send a strong signal: If the customer wants a product, then he must take action.

A countdown timer for your Prestashop store, like all methods using a sense of urgency, should always provide useful information to customers : « if you order in the next 2 hours, your order will be shipped today ».

The Shipping Date module allows you to answer this need efficiently for your store.

« si vous commandez dans les 2 prochaines heures, votre commande sera expédiée aujourd'hui ».

Le module Date d'expédition permet de répondre à ce besoin efficacement pour votre boutique.

Unmatched flexibility

Thanks to its flexibility, the rules allow you to define the shipping date and time according to the day of the week or one (or more) date.

Example: Orders placed on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday will be shipped the same day at 1:00 pm.

Very handy during vacation periods, define a rule that will show a message to inform your customers that shipments will resume as soon as you return, on the date you have specified.

The Shipping Date module seamlessly handles the timezone that may exist between the one defined in your store and that of your customer.


Customize messages

With its text editor, you can customize the message to show when the rule is applied.

Use the tag {TIMER} in your text, which will be automatically replaced by the remaining time.

In the Messages section of the module, you can define the messages that will be displayed when the shipping date is scheduled for the next day or according to a duration (1 hour 30 minutes before shipping)

For Business Pro members : $49.99 $9.99 Find out more
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These Prestashop stores use this module

Fruit Select
Maxter Drone
Flores Nuevas

Questions & Answers

We accept: PayPal, Bank transfer
Yes. The invoice is available from your motionSeed account. Click on "Orders" menu. You will be able to download the invoice linked to your purchase.